Sequential exploratory mixed-method research of an eHealth intervention on blood pressure, sleep quality and physical activity in obstructive sleep apnoea: rationale and methodology of the Moore4Medic |
2024 |
Valenzuela Pascual, Fran; Verdejo Amengual, Francisco Jose; Martinez Navarro, Oriol; Blanco Blanco, Joan; El Arab, Rabie Adel; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Masbernat Almenara, Maria; Rubí Carnacea, France |
Article d'investigació |
Estrés y ansiedad en estudiantes de enfermería durante la primera ola de la pandemia de COVID-19 |
2024 |
Robledo Martín, Juana; Acea López, Lorena; Alcolea Cosín, María Teresa; Pérez Urdiales, Iratxe; Bellon, Filip; Oter Quintana, Cristina; Blanco Blanco, Joan; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Pastor Bravo, Marí |
Article d'investigació |
Perioperative glycaemic control for people with diabetes undergoing surgery |
2023 |
Bellon, Filip; Solà, Ivan; Gimenez Perez, Gabriel; Hernández, Marta; Metzendorf, Maria Inti; Rubinat, Esther; Mauricio, Didac |
Article d'investigació |
Caffeine and the Risk of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Findings from Clinical and Experimental Studies |
2023 |
Alcubierre, Nuria; Granado Casas, Minerva; Bogdanov, Patricia; Hernández, Cristina; Ramos, Hugo; Castelblanco, Esmeralda; Real, Jordi; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Traveset, Alicia; Hernández, Marta; Jurj |
Article d'investigació |
From students to nurses under pressure: incorporation of nursing students into patient care during the first wave of COVID-19 in Spain |
2023 |
Robledo Martín, Juana; Acea López, Lorena; Pérez Urdiales, Iratxe; Alcolea Cosín, María Teresa; Bellon, Filip; Oter Quintana, Cristina; Blanco Blanco, Joan; Pastor Bravo, María del Mar; Rubinat Arnald |
Article d'investigació |
Health and well-being of refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, and internally displaced persons under COVID-19: a scoping review |
2023 |
El Arab, Rabie Adel; Somerville, Joel; Abuadas, Fuad H.; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Sagbakken, Mette |
Article d'investigació |
Health and social needs of asylum seekers and Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania: A mixed-method protocol |
2023 |
El Arab, R.A.; Urbanavice, R.; Jakavonyte Akstiniene, A., Skvarcevskaja, M.; Austys, D.; Mateos, J.T.; Briones Vozmediano, E.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E.; Istomina, N. |
Article d'investigació |
Nursing Professionals' Role in the Comprehensive Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Literature Review |
2023 |
El Arab, Rabie Adel; Sánchez de la Torre, Manuel; Valenzuela Pascual, Fran; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Blanco Blanco, Joan; Rubí Carnacea, Francesc; Martinez Navarro, Oriol; Mediano, Olga; Gea Sánchez, |
Review |
Clinical and Sociodemographic Profile of Psychomotor Agitation in Mental Health Hospitalisation: A Multicentre Study. |
2022 |
Garrote Cámara, M.E.; Gea Caballero, V.; Sufrate Sorzano, T.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E.; Santos Sánchez, J.Á.; Cobos Rincón, A., Santolalla Arnedo, I.; Juárez Vela, R. |
Article d'investigació |
Sleep quality among inpatients of Spanish public hospitals. |
2022 |
Bellon, F.; Stremler, R.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E.; Padilla Martínez, J.M.; Casado Ramirez, E.; Sánchez Ortuño, M.; Gea Sánchez, M.; Martin Vaquero, Y.; Moreno Casbas, T..; Abad Corpa, E. |
Article d'investigació |
Defining competencies for nurse anaesthetists: A Delphi study. |
2022 |
Sanclemente Dalmau, M.; Galbany Estragués, P.; Palomar Aumatell, X.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E. |
Article d'investigació |
Prevalence of falls in noninstitutionalized people aged 65−80 and associations with sex and functional tests: A multicenter observational study |
2022 |
Blanco Blanco, Joan; Albornos Muñoz, Laura; Costa Menen, Maria Àngels; García Martínez, Ester; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Martínez Soldevila, Jordi; Moreno Casbas, María Teresa; Bays Moneo, Ana Beatriz; |
Article d'investigació |
Prevalence of falls in noninstitutionalized people aged 65−80 and associations with sex and functional tests: A multicenter observational study |
2022 |
Blanco-Blanco, Joan; Albornos-Muñoz, Laura; Costa-Menen, Maria Àngels; García-Martínez, Ester; Rubinat-Arnaldo, Esther; Martínez-Soldevila, Jordi; Moreno-Casbas, María Teresa; Bays-Moneo, Ana Beatriz; |
Article en premsa |
Job expectations and intolerance to uncertainty of nursing students: results from a multicentre, mixed-methods study in Spain |
2022 |
Acea López, Lorena; Pastor Bravo, María del Mar; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Bellon, Filip; Blanco Blanco, Joan; Gea Sanchez, Montserrat; Briones Vozmediano, Erica |
Article d'investigació |
The effectiveness of workplace exercise interventions in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in office workers. A systematic review |
2022 |
Tersa Miralles, Carles; Bravo, Cristina; Bellon, Filip; Pastells Peiró, Roland; Rubinat Arnaldo, Esther; Rubí Carnacea, Francesc |
Article d'investigació |
Attitudes of nursing students towards mental health and the influence of social desirability: a cross-sectional study |
2022 |
Giralt Palou, R.; Prat Vigué, G.; Romeu Labayen, M. ; Tort Nasarre, G. |
Article d'investigació |
Cultural competency among Lithuanian nurses and preparedness to work with intercultural immigrants: A quantitative study protocol |
2022 |
El Arab, R.A.; Urbanavice, R.; Jakavonyte Akstiniene, A., Skvarcevskaja, M.; Austys, D.; Mateos, J.T.; Briones Vozmediano, E.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E; Istomina, N. |
Article d'investigació |
Impact of a multicomponent healthcare intervention on glycaemic control in subjects with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: The INTEGRA study |
2022 |
Molló, Àngels; Vlacho, Bogdan; Gratacòs, Mònica; Mata Cases, Manel; Rubinat, Esther; Berenguera, Anna; Real, Jordi; Puig Treserra, Ramon; Cos, Xavier; Franch Nadal, Josep; Khunti, Kamlesh; Mauricio, D |
Article d'investigació |
The role of nurses in euthanasia: A scoping review. |
2022 |
Bellon, F.; Mateos, J.T.; Pastells Peiró, R.; Espigares Tribó, G.; Gea Sánchez, M.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E. |
Article d'investigació |
Information and communication technologies for the improvement of cognitive function in healthy older adults: a systematic review protocol |
2021 |
Pastells Peiró, R.; Fernández Lago, H.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E.; Bellon, F.; Martínez Soldevila, J.; Gea Sánchez, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Barriers and facilitators for physical activity in adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a scoping review |
2021 |
Vilafranca Cartagena, M.; Tort Nasarre,G.; Rubinat, E. |
Article d'investigació |
Burnout and job satisfaction among nurses in three Spanish regions |
2021 |
Acea López, L.; Pastor Bravo, M. Del Mar; Rubinat Arnaldo, E.; Bellon, F.; Blanco Blanco, J.; Gea Sanchez, M.; Briones Vozmediano, E. |
Article d'investigació |
Effectiveness of workplace exercise interventions in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in office workers: a protocol of a systematic review |
2020 |
Tersa Miralles, C.; Pastells Peiró, R.; Rubí Carnacea, F.; Bellon, F.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E. |
Article d'investigació |
Poorer Quality of Life and Treatment Satisfaction is Associated with Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes without Other Advanced Late Complications |
2019 |
Minerva Granado-Casas; Esmeralda Castelblanco; Anna Ramírez-Morros; Mariona Martín; Nuria Alcubierre; Montserrat Martínez-Alonso; Xavier Valldeperas; Alicia Traveset; Esther Rubinat; Ana Lucas-Martin; |
Article d'investigació |
Guía de Buenas Prácticas basada en la Evidencia. Mejoremos la calidad de vida y el bienestar de las personas mediante las terapias naturales y complementarias. |
2019 |
Bellón, F; Climent, C; Pastells, R; Alconada, A., Blanco, J; Espart, A; García, E; Gea, M; Martínez, J; otero, L; Rubinat, E; Solé, S. |
Altres |
Guia de bones pràctiques basada en l'evidència. Actualització 2018 |
2019 |
Bellon, F.; Climent Sanz, C.; Pastells Peiró, R.; Alconada Romero, A.; Blanco Blanco, J.; Espart Herrero, A.; García Martínez, E.; Gea Sánchez, M.; Martínez Soldevila, J.; Otero García, L.; Rubinat Ar |
Document científic-tècnic |
INTEGRA study protocol: primary care intervention in type 2 diabetes patients with poor glycaemic control. |
2019 |
Molló À; Berenguera A; Rubinat E; Vlacho B; Mata M; Franch J; Bolíbar B; Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
La situación de las enfermeras de anestesia en España: ¿Pueden considerarse de práctica avanzada?. |
2018 |
Sanclemente Dalmau, M.; Gómez Ibañez, R.; Rubinat Arnaldo, E.; Galbany Estragués,P. |
Article d'investigació |
Diabetic retinopathy is associated with the presence and burden of subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in type 1 diabetes |
2018 |
Marc Carbonell; Esmeralda Castelblanco; Xavier Valldeperas; Àngels Betriu; Alícia Traveset; Minerva Granado‑Casas; Marta Hernández; Federico Vázquez; Mariona Martín; Esther Rubinat; Albert Lecub |
Article d'investigació |
Type 1 Diabetic Subjects with Diabetic Retinopathy Show an Unfavorable Pattern of Fat Intake |
2018 |
Minerva Granado-Casas; Anna Ramírez-Morros; Mariona Martín; Jordi Real; Núria Alonso; Xavier Valldeperas; Alicia Traveset; Esther Rubinat; Nuria Alcubierre; Marta Hernández; Manel Puig-Domingo; Albert |
Article d'investigació |
Incidental findings on brain MRI in a cohort of diabetic patients |
2018 |
Vázquez-Justes D; Sanahuja J; Diez J; Rubinat E; Begué R; Salas C; Vicandi C; Gil MI; Purroy F; Mauricio D |
Article d'investigació |
Calcium phosphate product is associated with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes |
2017 |
Ramírez-Morros A; Granado-Casas M; Alcubierre N; Martínez-Alonso M; Real J; Castelblanco E; Esquerda A; Cao G; Rubinat E; Hernández M; Alonso N; Fernández E; Mauricio D |
Article d'investigació |
Educación, salud y calidad de vida. Nuevas perspectivas interdisciplinares e interculturales |
2017 |
Molina Luque, F.; Gea Sánchez, M.; Alconada, Álvaro; Bernad, Olga; Blanco, Joan; Briones, Erica; Burrial, Xavier; Espuñes, Mercè; León, Beatriz; Martínez Soldevila, Jordi; Mayoral, Dolors; Miró Miró, |
Llibre docent |
Preclinical carotid atherosclerosis in patients with latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), type 2 diabetes and classical type 1 diabetes |
2017 |
Hernández M; López C; Real J; Valls J; Ortega-Martínez de Victoria E; Vázquez F; Rubinat E; Granado-Casas M; Alonso N; Molí T; Betriu A; Lecube A; Fernández E; Leslie RD; Mauricio D |
Article d'investigació |
Prevalence, clinical features and risk assessment of pre-diabetes in Spain: the prospective Mollerussa cohort study |
2017 |
Vilanova MB, Falguera M, Marsal JR, Rubinat E, Alcubierre N, Castelblanco E, Granado-Casas M, Miró N, Molló A, Mata-Cases M, Franch-Nadal J, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Understanding the physical, social, and emotional experiences of people with uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study. |
2016 |
Berenguera A; Molló-Inesta À; Mata-Cases M; Franch-Nadal J; Bolíbar B; Rubinat E; Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Increased Burden of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Retinopathy |
2016 |
Sanahuja J, Alonso N, Diez J, Ortega E, Rubinat E, Traveset A, Alcubierre N, Betriu A, Castelblanco E, Hernández M, Purroy F, Arcidiacono MV, Jurjo C, Fernández E, Puig-Domingo M, Groop PH, Mauricio D |
Article d'investigació |
Association of low oleic acid intake with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetic patients: a case-control study |
2016 |
Alcubierre N, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Rubinat E, Falguera M, Valls J, Traveset A, Vilanova MB, Marsal JR, Hernandez M, Granado-Casas M, Martinez-Gonzalez D, Jurjo C, Franch-Nadal J, Vioque J, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Lower Hemoglobin Concentration Is Associated with Retinal Ischemia and the Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes |
2016 |
Traveset A, Rubinat E, Ortega E, Alcubierre N, Vazquez B, Hernández M, Jurjo C, Espinet R, Ezpeleta JA, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Relationship of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet with health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a post-hoc analysis of a cross-section |
2016 |
Alcubierre N, Martinez-Alonso M, Valls J, Rubinat E, Traveset A, Hernández M, Martínez-González MD, Granado-Casas M, Jurjo C, Vioque J, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated with the Presence and Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
2015 |
Alcubierre N, Valls J, Rubinat E, Cao G, Esquerda A, Traveset A, Granado-Casas M, Jurjo C, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Microangiopathy of common carotid vasa vasorum in type 1 diabetes mellitus. |
2015 |
Rubinat E, Ortega E, Traveset A, Arcidiacono MV, Alonso N, Betriu A, Granado-Casas M, Hernández M, Soldevila J, Puig-Domingo M, Jurjo C, Fernández E, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Subclinical Carotid Atherosclerosis in Asymptomatic Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
2015 |
Rubinat E; Marsal JR; Vidal T; Cebrian C; Falguera M; Vilanova MB; Betriu À; Fernández E; Franch J; Mauricio D |
Article d'investigació |
Type 2 diabetes-associated carotid plaque burden is increased in patients with retinopathy compared to those without retinopathy |
2015 |
Alonso N, Traveset A, Rubinat E, Ortega E, Alcubierre N, Sanahuja J, Hernández M, Betriu A, Jurjo C, Fernández E, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Left carotid adventitial vasa vasorum signal correlates directly with age and with left carotid intima-media thickness in individuals without atheromatous risk factors |
2015 |
Arcidiacono MV.; Rubinat E.; Borras M.; Betriu A.; Trujillano J.; Vidal T.; Mauricio D.; Fernández E. |
Article d'investigació |
A prospective cross-sectional study on quality of life and treatment satisfaction in type 2 diabetic patients with retinopathy without other major late diabetic complications |
2014 |
Alcubierre N, Rubinat E, Traveset A, Martinez-Alonso M, Hernandez M, Jurjo C, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Microangiopathy of large artery wall: A neglected complication of diabetes mellituss |
2013 |
Arcidiacono MV, Traveset A, Rubinat E, Ortega E, Betriu A, Hernández M, Fernández E, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
PREDIRCAM eHealth platform for individualized telemedical assistance for lifestyle modification in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and cardiometabolic risk prevention: a pilot study (PREDIRCAM 1). |
2013 |
González C; Herrero P; Cubero JM; Iniesta JM; Hernando ME; García-Sáez G; Serrano AJ; Martinez-Sarriegui I; Perez-Gandia C; Gómez EJ; Rubinat E; Alcantara V; Brugués E; Chico A; Mato E; Bell O; Corcoy |
Article d'investigació |
Pseudo-enhancement does not explain the increased carotid adventitial vasa vasorum signal in diabetic patients |
2013 |
Arcidiacono MV, Rubinat E, Ortega E, Betriu A, Fernández E, Mauricio D. |
Article d'investigació |
Time dependent C-peptide decline in 4411 patients with recent onset type 1 diabetes followed for up to 10 years: a meta-analysis from 8 European centres |
2011 |
Pozzilli P, Schloot NC, Hosszufalusi N, Lauria A, Ludvigsson J, Mathieu C, Mauricio D, Rubinat E, Nordwall M, Van Der Schueren B, Mandrup-Poulsen T, Scherbaum WA, Weets I, Gorus F, Leslie D. |
Article d'investigació |
Efficacy of sorbates on the control of the growth of Eurotium species in bakery products with near neutral pH |
2003 |
Marín S, Abellana M, Rubinat M, Sanchis V, Ramos AJ. |
Article d'investigació |